Friday, October 12, 2012

Blog views

My stats

Today I was looking at how people get to my blog.

What search they used to find it.

Some were porn sites. Which means, if you have a porn site open, you open another tab and go to my blog (leaving the porn open) it will show the porn site.

Some searches were "Afraid of losing my girlfriend" and "amateur body stockings".

Now my question is, who is looking and porn, and suddenly decides it's time to catch up on my blog??

Moral of the story, friends and stalkers, close your other tabs before googling for my blog.

Otherwise I will get one hell of a laugh off your search method!
And of course I will blog about it.


"my girlfriend has tiny nipples".

1 comment:

  1. I think the gobbildy-goop websites that take you to porn when you click on them are spam, not necessarily re-directs. I had a bunch of those from Russia when I first started my blog. And I was pretty sure that nobody was looking up my page 7 times in 1 day from a porno site.
    But the search keywords...I think thats genuine...and how confused a person must be when they google that their gf has tiny nipples and they end up here!
