Sunday, May 20, 2012

I got the prouds

For anyone that doesn't know, I started a petition to congress to have the FMLA laws changed to cover the death of a spouse (more about that in a minute).

I have been losing sleep over this petition. Every time I check how my petition is doing, I cry.
I can't believe the stories. 

" When I was advised that I needed to come back to work I explained that I was unable to at that time because I was not finished with his funeral. I was told to be at work the next morning at 8:00am or I was fired. Not only had I lost my husband I now had to lose my job and my only source of income which in turn cost me my home"

"My boss told me that it was her expectation that I would never cry at work after the death of my husband. We are both nurses and she should have known better. I had to return to work almost immediately because I used my FMLA when he was in the hospital and in ICU."

Reading the stories, tears my heart apart.
But I realize I am not alone. I am not fighting a un-win-able fight.
I actually might be able to do this!

The little voice in my head says - "It doesn't matter".
"Congress could give a shitless about us".
"You CAN'T win this!".

But I think I actually might be able to.
I hope I can.

I had a thought yesterday.
WHEN (not if) I am widowed for the second time, I hope this law is in place.
I hope I can say "I did this, and now I can do the grieving I need to do".

The grieving that was taken away from me when S. died.
Because I had to get back to work, so I wouldn't lose my only source of income.
I see myself at the funereal of husband #2, standing up, and saying
"I get 12 months off for FMLA. I did this to protect other widows/widowers, and now I get to have the "luxury" of taking all the time I need!"

Who knows, maybe I can't make a differance.
But maybe I can.

And for the first time since S.'s death..
I feel proud.
I feel like I can make a difference.
I feel a purpose. 

And I hope at the end of my life, I can die happily, knowing I was able to protect someone else from facing the hell I faced.

I have a major case of the prouds.

Details on my petition -

I have started a petition to congress. My intention is to have FMLA rules and regulations changed to cover the death of a spouse.

Did you know that if your child or spouse is dying, you can take 12 months leave on FMLA.

BUT, after they die, you have 3 days bereavement. Then you need to return to work.

After your loved one dies, you are no longer covered on FMLA.

Please read my petition, sign it, and pass on!
Help us secure our jobs and our RIGHT to grieve!

Also, please sign the petition to have FMLA law's changed to cover the death of a child.

1 comment:

  1. I am so beyond proud of you for doing this and working so hard for yourself and for all of the other spouses that suffer. You're channeling so much into making positive changes and it is amazing. love you. keep up the great work!!! DON'T GIVE UP! <3 <3
