Thursday, April 4, 2013

Bucket List

My bucket list. Started 12/29/12.

Updated 7/17/13

Goals for 2013

- Spend a week in Mexico - Trip taken May 2013, was a little too much fun!!
- Take a trip to Lake Tahoe with my bestie. This is no longer a priority or goal in my life.
- Get a boob job (Yep, I went there).
- Buy myself something nice for the 3 year (death) anniversary - July 2013.
- Finish losing the last couple of inches I want to lose. Accomplished June 2013, thanks mono and anxiety!
- Cut my hair off and donate it, again.
- Take a vacation - alone. - Possibly happening July-August 2013
- Have a day where I wake up and my first thought isn't "My husband is dead".
- Focus on the people that love me. Currently working on as of 7/2013
- Leave the people behind that bring drama, hurt and pain into my life. Currently working on as of 7/2013

Goals for 2014

- Go back to school for a degree in ____ unknown at this time.

Goals for a unknown date

- Get married in Paris or Mexico (Gotta find the "one" first).
- Plan my future with "the one".
- Dive to see the Christ statue in San Fruttuoso, Italy.. See it here!
- Practice scuba diving so I can handle the 60 foot dive to see the Christ Statue.
- Visit the El Hotel del Salto in Colombia.See it here!

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